Do you text on the holidays?

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Since it’s the holiday weekend and I have spent most of this Black Friday out braving the malls, just a quick poll:




I spend the big holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years with my extended family, so I often rely on text messages to wish my friends a good holiday since I don’t always get the time to see them. I love receiving them, too: for me, it’s nearly the same as receiving a thoughtful phone call.

3 Responses to Do you text on the holidays?

  1. nina says:

    With regards to your poll–

    A series of “HAPPY THANKSGIVING” texts woke me up in the morning, Thursday. It seems like texting is de rigeur for holiday greetings.

  2. Rebecca says:

    I dislike the mass holiday text. It is very impersonal. I think a phone call would be better.

  3. thedailygrub says:

    i spent thanksgiving with a group of extended family but since my siblings are scattered across the country none of them made it home for the holiday. so i was texting them throughout the evening updating them on funny family moments that they were missing out on. my mom figured i was just needlessly texting my friends and yelled at me to put my phone away. imagine her surprise when i told her that i was texting my brothers and sisters so they would feel a little closer to home. this changed her mind a little…

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